Wednesday, February 23, 2011

"The Network"...

So I have been so busy, I haven't had time to blog at all, which may not be a such a bad thing. However, its been a lot of fun, and I'm so proud that people are enjoying the show. It''s something i really enjoy doing, mainly because I have so much creative control and direction over the show.. Mainly because the raw nature of the show, requires a raw medium that I would never feel comfortable giving to another director. Therefore, the finished product, is a much more personal one, that I don't think I would otherwise be able to portray. through speech alone, less the production of film.

After long, and careful review, I have decided to give the green-light  for the next project, in association with Hustler Swagger TV. "The Network" will premiere later this year, shortly before the fall season. As part of the deal, Hood Politics will move into is new and improved studio, which will also be home to Good Morning Black America. The new daytime talk show, hosts still TBA..

Promos will be releasing today for "The Network"

If It's Hood, It's All Good..

Ves Swagger